Love wholly, give yourself fully. Or don’t at all. Don’t start a journey you can’t go the full length of. Don’t be with someone who deprives you of the ability to give your all without the fear of getting hurt.

This was part of my journal entry for Saturday, 5th August. I can remember clearly, the emotions I felt preceding my writing it. They were different, completely different from what I settled to write.

That morning, I was questioning love and all the other verbs it brought with it. I felt, at that point, that there was no point being the all or nothing person I’d always told myself I was, the one who rarely took to liking people but when she did, went really overboard with it. The one who easily slipped into the role of a mother hen, caring about the littlest things like why your voice has an added coarseness to its texture and why you aren’t drinking enough water. The one who got so excited to talk to you and would tell you every detail of her day till the number of people she talked to and how she wore her face when she did. The one who could sacrifice sleep and other material things for the ones she loved.

Now, I’m not saying I’m the perfect friend or sister. I mean, obviously, I’m not. I can be choking a times. I can also forget to check on the ones I love when life hits me with many responsibilities, which sometimes is just a good movie series.😂😂 But I think I try. I do, for those whose names some how got stamped in my heart.

Which is why that particular day, as recent occurrences in my life coupled with some introspection made me ask myself why I felt so strongly, why I loved fiercely and could rarely hold back, I was in one of my most demure states ever. It was new for me, pondering the possible ills of love, pondering over the unfairness I thought had become my reality. I didn’t have an answer, social media did -memes that basically said “Don’t give more than you’re receiving in any relationship.”

And so I began also to reconsider my expectations. I wondered if they were valid. I wondered if expecting people to treat me the way I did them was even reasonable at all. I began to believe that I should stop giving too much (In my big head and small heart, I thought I was giving too much, I’ve not even given an eye yet oo. )  and then stop expecting anything much from people. So that I’ll shield myself from getting hurt. And so with all these musings, my journal entry should have been along those lines.

But journalling, as therapeutic as it is, jerked me off such wrong thinking. People may have given lower than I expect but that’s their issue as long as my expectation is reasonable and still within the boundaries of love. That one or two people failed me is not enough reason for me to lower my expectation.
Jesus, Love Himself, hasn’t yet lowered His expectation of me and I can’t count the number of times I’ve failed Him.

So instead, I wrote to Love wholly, like He does. Not holding back anything and giving your all. Recipe for pain? Maybe. But why take off on a journey you don’t intend to go fully on? Why say you love someone (We must love all as Christians but this is specifically the love shared in intimate relationships and close friendships where openness is required.) who you can’t be truly unmasked before and still not be scared of getting hurt or who you can’t let yourself be vulnerable to. Is that Love, really?

Warren Barfield ‘s Love is not a fight always helps me picture what I believe is the truest form of love. There’s a love that doesn’t fight for its own, is not proud or arrogant, does not keep record of wrongs. It is that Love we must daily fight to attain. It is that Love we must let be shed abroad in our hearts and in turn share with those we come across. We must not only give but we must expect to receive that love back. Especially with people, we have decided to do life’s journey with. We must not settle as much as we must not give love that makes them settle. We must not let past or even present experiences fool us into believing that this love is extinct or only peculiar to us. There are 700 prophets yet remaining who haven’t bowed to Baal. And If even there aren’t, people’s misunderstanding and misdeeds shouldn’t redefine what has already been defined 2000 years ago.


PS : Image isn’t mine but pretty much sums up the post.

Let’s share God’s type of love!


4 thoughts on “Love Is Not A Fight But It’s Something Worth Fighting For

  1. This is beautiful. Love is indeed a paradox. It is that something a lot of us attain to, but also cower from until there is no more hiding space, or safe landing for us.

    I think that we cannot divorce love from pain or hurt or sorrow. The divinity of love doesn’t make it any less susceptible to the life-ness of life, or the humanity of man, if you know what I mean. There is this quote I so much love, which goes like “you can’t protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness” (Jonathan Sarfrer), and I think there is no truer truth than this. There will be people whom we would have mutual affection for, there will be those who will not flinch or feel a thing even as we give our all to them, and there will be those we cannot share a pinch of emotion with– it is just life; and with all of these categories of people, there will be a chance to know love and a chance to know hurt, a chance for empathy and a chance for indifference or apathy.

    Love is a generous act. It is naturally giving even where there is no demand for it; and it will be a privilege to have the capacity to feel and express that kind of love, and a blessing to be shown that kind of love by another… and i think we all know this. But too, we know we must choose ourselves and our own sanity, and leave where love is not being served. Personally, I love who I love (I mean, can we help it, really?!), but when I perceive that my love is not wanted or is not being reciprocated, I limit that love within the four walls of my mind and the crisp edges of my journal, diary or writing pad. Through the mushiness of love and its baggage of emotions, we must find some dignity to save face when we can help it. Lol!

    Nonetheless, we must always choose love. If it works, fine; if it doesn’t, we take the lessons and move on with faith. Even when everything goes wrong, I think true love will remain right: the right choice, the right reason, the right step to take. Love for the sake of love, because of love, despite life, in spite of humanity.

    Welldone Mercy! Welldone! I enjoyed this bit ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaaahn! Me, this is beautiful.

      Love is naturally giving, I agree. And it is both a blessing and a ‘curse’ for us humans, to be able to share in this divine act of giving.
      Love formed us and I hope we learn to give it limitlessly to ourselves, and then to the people we find around us.

      By giving it to ourselves and letting ourselves revel in the love God has for us, we’ll find security so that even when the love we give is not reciprocated, we won’t fault love. We’d know it’s just another portrayal of the unending flaws of humanity.

      I appreciate you reading and dropping this beautiful comment. 💝😘

      Liked by 2 people

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